The new madrid seismic zone sometimes called the new madrid fault line, is a major seismic. New madrid seismic zone catastrophic earthquake planning. The first earthquake was followed by 6 aftershocks in the range m5. Earthquakes on the new madrid seismic zone have hit kentucky before, as recently as the 20th century. The new madrid earthquake that will divide the united. Stars depict the locations of the 18111812 ce new madrid seismic. Browning also said that, if the quake came, itd probably originate near the city of new madrid pronounced madrid in southeastern missouri. Aug 10, 2017 i also need to look over all old predictions and see if they presented a different date, one that reflects something coming soon. Jun 22, 2005 strain is building on a fault near memphis, tennessee that was the site of a magnitude 8. Weve certainly planned for it, but itll be nothing were prepared for, danner predicted. Mar 31, 2017 according to other media reports, the earthquake had impacted 15,800 people and the consequences are still being addressed. New data confirms strong earthquake risk to central u. Nueva madrid is a city in new madrid county, missouri, united states.
The city is located 42 miles 68 km southwest of cairo, illinois, and north of an exclave of fulton county, kentucky, across the mississippi river. Apr 25, 2017 the tecumseh prophesy the 2020 president will be assassinated while the new madrid earthquake may kill thousands. New madrid is the county seat of new madrid county. There are historical accounts of major earthquakes in the new madrid region during 181112. Researcher says the next large central us earthquake may not. One prominent example is the new madrid earthquake that happened in the memphis area on the us in the early 19th century. From a geoclimatic point of view, the need to purify and rebalance the earth will lead to hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. National weather service advanced hydrologic prediction. This is the official prediction chicago, illinois, new. During the winter of 18111812 arkansas, missouri, tennessee, and kentucky experienced one of the most shocking natural disasters in north america.
Two additional earthquakes of similar magnitude followed in january and february 1812. New madrid earthquakes of 181112, series of three large earthquakes that occurred near new madrid, missouri, between december 1811 and february 1812. Illinois emergency management says be ready for the big one, with earthquake preparedness. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the earths surface that could occur in the central u. Is the new madrid seismic zone at risk for a large. Scientists predict 2018 will be a bad year for earthquakes.
The new madrid fault could reawaken at any time documentary. Linking together the mysterious deaths of fish and birds, the bp oil spill, millions of fema coffins awaiting use, a fema national flood insurance program being instituted, dhs buying 140 million pre. It is also important to note that there are 15 nuclear reactors along the new madrid fault zone. Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that itll split the river tens of miles wide open, destroying all bridges across it and preventing people, commerce, etc from passing east to west across it ever again. The new madrid earthquakes of 18111812 missouri heritage. New madrid seismic zone earthquake hazard article and map. In the event of a major new madrid earthquake, we could be looking at fukushima times 15. A new madrid earthquake is coming and america will be. What are the best predictions for when the new madrid fault line will give way and result in a disaster. Earthquake safety tips new madrid, mo official website. Theres even talk that this splitting open will be felt with. Recent seismic activity particularly in tennessee area evidence of a reawakening of the ancient fault line that would split the.
Seth stein, the leader of the research group, published these views in a book, disaster deferred, in 2008. Yawhen the new madrid fault zone, which has produced three of the largest. Earthquakes in new madrid, missouri, united states most recent. Nov 20, 2008 the federal emergency management agency fema has an initiative underway with the eight states of the new madrid seismic zone nmsz in the central united states to develop catastrophic earthquake disaster response plans. This book also dealt with the difficulty of predicting earthquakes, determining the factors of what. A study of seismograph data in june 2018 warned that the new madrid had a earthquake of a 3. In the known history of the world, no other earthquakes have lasted so long or produced so much evidence of damage as the new madrid earthquakes. When the new madrid fault unzips, will you be ready. These dramatic accounts clearly show that destructive earthquakes do not happen only in the western united states.
Earthquakes in tiptonville, tennessee, united states most. This youtuber patrioticspace has compiled a vast amount of evidence pointing towards haarp being used to create a massive earthquake along americas new madrid fault line in the coming months. The new madrid quake is especially intriguing not only because of its unparalleled power, but also because it occurred in an area which is normally devoid of tectonic activity, including earthquakes. New madrid fault could create a sizable earthquake. The usgs reports that the epicenter was westsouthwest of new madrid. Factsheet 2018 001 written by phyllis steckel for agi, feb. A prediction made by climate consultant iben browning held that thered be a 50 percent chance of a magnitude 7 earthquake rocking the nation on this date. In an obscenely interesting new book, the lost history of the new madrid earthquakes, valencius uncovers the quakes and their rich and various meaningsto increasingly diminished native populations, who interpreted them as a sign to return to tradition in the face of colonial encroachment. April 25, 2017 tori when trying to understand future events one must not only look at current events but events of the past, as well. In the past 25 years, scientists have learned that strong earthquakes in the central mississippi valley are not freak events but have occurred repeatedly in the geologic past. In the winter of 1811 and 1812, three earthquakes of magnitude 7, and possibly as high as 7. What are the best predictions for when the new madrid.
The new madrid fault zone covers portions of illinois, indiana, missouri, arkansas, kentucky, tennessee, and mississippi. According to the united states geological survey usgs, earthquake prediction in the midwestern states during the next 50 years is 2540% probability of having an earthquake magnitude of 6. Punctuated earthquakes for new madrid area, missouri, u. This prophecy details a massive earthquake on the new madrid fault line. The geologic record of pre1811 earthquakes reveals that the new madrid seismic zone has repeatedly produced sequences of major earthquakes, including several of magnitude 7 to 8. Immediately pictures of devastation began to pop up all over the heartland of america along the new madrid fault line as earthquakes caused entire cities to crumble. This is the second consecutive year both types of hazards are forecasted, as previous usgs maps only identified hazards from natural earthquakes. The 18111812 new madrid earthquake sequence was preceded by at least two other. Browning appears to have based this prediction on particularly strong tidal forces being expected during that time. According to the oklahoma geological survey by austin holland which was published recently, fracking is one of the causes for earthquakes.
Fulfilled this true story reveals a hidden dimension to american history and geology which shakes not only the earth, but our very rational conceptions of the relationship between science and spirit, between geology and gaia. Information regarding earthquakes in arkansas including types of faults magnitude and intensity scales, seismology, seismic waves, epicenters new madrid seismic zone and the enola swarms and more. The first day of the new madrid earthquakes the hindu. John vidale has provided an excellent technical answer and i echo his point that the when of the next event on this fault.
Earthquake prediction is a branch of the science of seismology concerned with the specification of the time, location, and magnitude of future earthquakes within stated limits, and particularly the determination of parameters for the next strong earthquake to occur in a region. Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 slashdot. Eliza richardson, associate professor, department of geosciences, college of earth and mineral sciences, the pennsylvania state university. Its the thought of a major earthquake along the new madrid seismic zone that really concerns danner. Mar 01, 2017 new usgs maps identify potential groundshaking hazards in 2017 from both humaninduced and natural earthquakes in the central and eastern u. Strange happenings during the earthquakes new madrid, mo. Today, scientists say that the 150milelong new madrid seismic zone has a terrifying 40% chance to blast in the next few decades, impacting 7 states illinois, indiana, missouri, arkansas, kentucky, tennessee and mississippi. Tecumseh was at the shawnee and delaware indian villages near cape girardeau, 50 miles north of the epicenter at new madrid, when the first earthquake hit on december 16, 1811. Years ago, experts predicted a major earthquake for the area in about 50 years due to the new madrid fault.
This week, 14 states that could be impacted by another new madrid seismic zone earthquake will participate in the great central u. Modern seismologists estimate the 1812 new madrid earthquake at 7. Notes on 101414 earthquake wed 1 left over 500 losses north california, san francisco area such. Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that itll split the river tens of miles wide open, destroying all bridges across it and preventing people, commerce, etc from passing east to. The third earthquake to strike was february 7th, 1812 at 3. Illinois emergency management says be ready for the big. The source of all this anxiety is the fabled new madrid seismic zone. Earthquake predictions and preparedness, watching the new. If we had an earthquake of magnitude 8 or magnitude 9, we could be talking about an earthquake many, many times more powerful. A new study suggests that we may want to brace for a surge of earthquakes in 2018, and the equator will be particularly affected. Stein literally wrote the book on new madrid and his research over the past. Known as the earthquake america forgot, the new madrid tremors rocked the midwest during the winter of 18111812. Jun 23, 2016 the source of all this anxiety is the fabled new madrid seismic zone.
The infamous new madrid earthquakes of 18111812 rang church bells in boston, which is 1,200 miles from st. John kilpatrick new madrid earthquake soon youtube. The geologic record of pre1811 earthquakes also reveals that the new madrid seismic zone has repeatedly produced sequences of major earthquakes, including several of magnitude 7 to 8, over the past 4,500 years. Empire, intrigue, murder, and the new madrid earthquakes of 181112 by jay feldman apr 7, 2012 4. The new madrid earthquake that will divide the united states. According to international insurance giant swiss re, if the 1811 and 1812 new madrid earthquakes were to happen today, the economic losses alone would be in the hundreds of billions of dollars. From economic crises, stock market crash, aberrant socialpolitical slippages to the dramatic degradation of peoples action and feelings. Right in the heartland on the new madrid fault line a major earthquake has just hit. Major earthquake coming to the heartland of america. In fact, based on the records of a louisville, kentucky, resident named jared brooks, who built a series of pendulums to document the events, there were 1,874. Today we refer to this as the new madrid earthquake. Earthquakes in new madrid, missouri, united states most. Information on how to be prepared in case an earthquake hits here in arkansas. New report warns of serious earthquakes in the midwest duration.
The new madrid earthquakes is one such series of earthquakes that is remembered even now, over 200 years after it took place. It was nowhere near any major fault lines, and is pretty much universally accepted to be a result of glacial rebound from the last ice age. Jul 29, 20 life after death experience nde with steve gardipee, vietnam war story one of the best ndes duration. Earthquake prediction of the new madrid fault seekyt. Massive earthquake said to be coming for midamerica signs of the last days ministry december 22, 2018 general scientists have seen evidence that the central mississippi river valley has seen major earthquakes before. There were thousands of aftershocks, of which 1,874 were large enough to be felt in louisville, kentucky, about 190 miles 300 km away. Empire, intrigue, murder, and the new madrid earthquakes by jay feldman.
The simulation is based on a detailed geologic model of the central u. Some experts predict that the state could be in for another round of violent. Geological survey predicted that there is a 710% chance for a. Mostly quiet for 200 years, new madrid fault along mississippi river is a sleeping giant bryce grayst.
If any of you remember an old prediction please let me know. Scientists from russia warned that america is coming mega. The new madrid fault zone nmfz is a longestablished weakness in the earths crust in the central and eastern us where earthquakes have occurred for hundreds of millions of years. I believe this earthquake might have to do with the new madrid fault and a massive earthquake occurring that will shake the whole country. New usgs maps identify potential groundshaking hazards in 2017. Its been 200 years since big earthquakes rocked the new madrid seismic zone, a fault system that runs down the central u. New madrid earthquakes of 181112 united states britannica. I was interested in finding out more about the new madrid earthquake fault and this book was recommended. The nmsz states include alabama, arkansas, illinois, indiana, kentucky, missouri, mississippi and tennessee.
Three of the earthquakes are on the list of americas top earthquakes. The implication is that this monster quake originated far deeper in the north american crust than is usual for an earthquake. A pretty good summary of information about the new madrid earthquake, but if you want to know that basic information with some fascinating related stories, read when the mississippi ran backwards. Federal emergency management agency warned that a serious earthquake in the new madrid seismic zone could result in the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the united states, further predicting widespread and catastrophic damage across alabama, arkansas, illinois, indiana. Youre right in that isostatic rebound absolutely can cause earthquakes. But even when theres reason to think an earthquake could be around the corner, scientists still cant make good predictions. In a new report prepared for prime minister putin by the institute of physics of the earth warned that america in the next two weeks is in danger of catastrophic proportions earthquake.
Earthquake prediction is sometimes distinguished from earthquake forecasting, which can be defined as the. New madrid earthquake in search of in search of history. The author wrote it about 100 years after the earthquake of 181112, so he had to depend a lot on the observations of the few people who had written them down. This courseware module is part of penn states college of earth and mineral sciences oer initiative. Coseismic sackungen in the new madrid seismic zone, usa.
This is the official prediction chicago, illinois, new madrid video filmed in hometown, illinois directly on the line of earthquake energy were watching predicted 6. The lord then reminded me of this dream and i knew it was related. Massive earthquake said to be coming for midamerica. Predictions for future earthquakes along the new madrid fault, as well as instructions on. In 18111812, three large earthquakes up to magnitude 7. The second struck the same day december 16th, 18,11 which the sun was rising at 7. The zone is 6 times bigger than the san andreas fault in california. Nostradamus considered that in 2020 a new era will begin. Nov 20, 2008 the department of homeland securitys federal emergency management agency fema today released a report, impact of earthquakes on the central usa, which presents the findings of a twoyear study on the impact of a 7. New madrid threat leaves generals quaking fulton sun.
Earthquake in new madrid seismic zone prediction youtube. The metro east is situated near two fault lines including the new madrid. Those earthquakes opened deep fissures in the ground, caused the mississippi river to run backwards, and. Scientists have said the risk of another earthquake on the new madrid fault of the same size is 7 10 percent over the next 50 years. Jul, 2015 the new madrid fault zone in central united states is active and could spawn large earthquakes as large as those between 1811 and 1812, scientists reported thursday. Modern seismologists estimate the 1812 new madrid earthquake at. The inevitability of a future quake and the lack of preparation by both individuals and communities provided the impetus for this book. The study was conducted for fema by the midamerica.